Angie Mack

Angie Mack is a musical director, performing artist, blues educator and writer who has a wealth of experience and connections in the arts and entertainment industry.

fingers playing on
ozaukee talent

Founder of Ozaukee Talent

Angie Mack is the founder of Ozaukee Talent which specializes in music and event services. She believes that change can be made through one lesson, one song and one event at a time. With such a wide range of skills, longevity in the music business and global connections, Angie is passionate about creative communication through the arts. Ozaukee Talent specializes in everything between one on one tutoring to managing large commissioned arts projects.

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Contracting Services

Musical Development
Writing Services
Performing Arts Galore
Chronic creativity

Writer at Chronic Creativity

My purpose in writing this is so that the condition I’ve been infected with, Chronic Creativity, may be more readily understood and hopefully caught. I’ve come to realize that the secret to being creative comes from a certain mindset — a certain perspective and outlook on life and the world around. It’s about a lifestyle of looking at things from another angle.

woman taking notes